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You will still be able to use the case portal to create and interact with your support cases until the transition, view more information here!

Cb Response: Sensors Upgrading Faster Than Configured Settings

Cb Response: Sensors Upgrading Faster Than Configured Settings


Cb Response 6.1.x


Upgrade throttling settings SensorMaxUpgradeRate and SensorUpgradeRateMonitorInterval set for a low number of upgrades but a large number of sensors are being upgraded quickly


  1. SensorUpgradeRateMonitorInterval is deprecated and is now dynamically calculated based off of SensorMaxUpgradeRate. Check here for more information: How To Modify the Cb Response Sensor Upgrade Rate
  2. The SensorMaxUpgradeRate setting restores to defaults on the minions when the datagrid service is restarted


CB-16160 allows SensorMaxUpgradeRate to be set on all nodes (master and minions). This fix will be implemented in a future 6.2.x release.

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