IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 6, 2024, Carbon Black User eXchange (UeX) and Case Management will move to a new platform!
The Community will be in read-only mode starting April 19th, 7:00 AM PDT. Check out the blog post!
You will still be able to use the case portal to create and interact with your support cases until the transition, view more information here!

Announcing General Availability of the App Control 8.10 Server and Mac 8.9.0 Agent!

Announcing General Availability of the App Control 8.10 Server and Mac 8.9.0 Agent!

We are pleased to announce the release of the App Control 8.10 Server and 8.9.0 Mac Agent. 

These new releases are PACKED with new features and enhancements! Most notably, the 8.10 Server UI has been refreshed, and the 8.9.0 Mac Agent now supports running in an IPv6-only environment. 

In addition, the Server OER (Operating Environment Requirements) guide has been updated and now contains new instructions for customers who wish to deploy their servers in the cloud.

Here's a quick break-down of the key new features:

8.10 Server Improvements:

Updated OER with Guidance For Deploying the Server on Azure, Amazon Web Services, and Private Cloud - The OER now contains additional information about deploying the server in a cloud environment and how many agents can be supported. The number of agents that can be supported depends on whether the server is hosted privately or by a cloud service provider.

Server UI Refresh - The console has been refreshed with new colors, fonts, logos, and icons giving the server a more modern look and feel. These UI changes are cosmetic in nature and do not change any major functionality of the server. 

Vulnerability Detection - The console can now detect and identify CVEs associated with applications (Windows-only) on agents connected to the server. This adds additional visibility for users regarding the security and integrity of applications within an environment.

Countersigned Certificate Approvals - The console now allows users to approve the publishers of countersigned certificates. The inability to approve countersigned certificates in the console has been a major pain point for many users.  

Communication Key Rotation Scheduler - The console now allows users to see and choose the date when the next communication key rotation happens. Previously, users had no visibility into when the communication keys would rotate, sometimes resulting in issues with the server connectivity with agents.

8.9.0 Mac Agent Improvements

IPv6 Support - The Mac agent now supports being installed in an IPv6-only environment. Previously, Mac agents only supported IPv4 and mixed IPv4/IPv6 environments. 

Additional Trusted Publisher Settings Support  - The Mac agent now supports additional settings for configuring Trusted Publisher that were previously not available. This includes setting a minimum certificate key size for publisher approvals and excluding publisher approvals for specific certificate algorithms. This is helpful for users with constraints and restrictions around publisher certificates that can be used for approving files. 

For more information about these releases please follow the links below for each respective product. 

8.10 Server Download and Documentation Links

8.9.0 Mac Download & Documentation Links 

Thanks for reading this post and we hope these new exciting releases improve your App Control experience. We appreciate your business and thank you for being an App Control customer. 


VMware Carbon Black

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Are the MacOS agent bundleIDs the same? I'm having a hard time finding the 8.9.0 user guide and other information like the .plist and bundle info.


Hi @i_smith, please check the Mac Agent Jamf Install doc here, it will have the Bundle Ids and Team Id:


Thanks, that's exactly what I'm looking for.

I don't suppose you know if there is any support or documentation for Intune deployment of CbAC MacOS agent?

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