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Announcing General Availability of the CB Protection 8.1.5 Windows Agent

Announcing General Availability of the CB Protection 8.1.5 Windows Agent

IMPORTANT: This release replaces the CB Protection 8.1.4 Windows agent. We recommend upgrading any 8.1.4 agents at your soonest practical opportunity.

The CB Protection 8.1.5 Windows agent resolves a defect found in 8.1.4 that could cause Windows to crash when a file path longer than 248 characters was encountered.

Significant changes were introduced in the 8.1.4 agent, and these are included in the 8.1.5 release. These changes are listed below for the benefit of those upgrading from a pre-8.1.4 release. 

This release adds the following improvements:

  • Server, default rules and Windows agents are now released separately in order to provide fixes and updates more rapidly. Please see the “Uploading Agent Installer and Rules to the Server” chapter in the CB Protection 8.1.4 User Guide for more details.
  • In a new installation, per-agent CLI passwords will be disabled. During an upgrade, the existing Agent Management settings will be respected on pre 8.1.4 Windows agents. We now recommend using User or Group permissions to manage the agent or to use a Global password and use a high entropy password. By design the per-agent CLI password is low entropy.
  • The Dascli copycache command has been removed.
  • Addressed an issue where a malicious actor could create multiple script rules with the same extension which would trigger multiple 'first scan' cache consistency checks that would incorrectly approve files.
  • In previous versions of CB Protection, MSI files were hashed a particular way by the agent and some MSI files were not identified as "Interesting" and therefore not tracked. In version 8.1.4 and beyond, those files are being hashed differently. If there are any hash approval rules or hash ban rules based on the old versions of these hashes, the CB Protection Server will automatically create new rules based on the new hash values of the same files.

In addition to the new features, we've continued to improve quality by addressing several defects. Additional details can be found in the release notes.

You can download the CB Protection 8.1.5 Windows Agent from here.  

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To add, just for clarification to those getting used to the agent / server split...

The 8.1.5 Windows Agent will be installed to the 8.1.4 Server version.   No "newer" server version is required.  

Does this apply to both Win Desktop and Server edition?

@ashish_amin , the Windows Agent does not differentiate between Windows Desktop/Workstations/Servers, except when it comes to whether or not the Specific OS of a given machine is supported - Info for which, can be found at the following link...

CB Response sensors & CB Protection agents

The download link doesn't redirect to 8.1.5, it goes to 8.1.6 instead. Does that mean 8.1.5 is no longer available and not recommended to use?

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