IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 6, 2024, Carbon Black User eXchange (UeX) and Case Management will move to a new platform!
The Community will be in read-only mode starting April 19th, 7:00 AM PDT. Check out the blog post!
You will still be able to use the case portal to create and interact with your support cases until the transition, view more information here!

Carbon Black v5.1.0 - User Guide Changelog

Carbon Black v5.1.0 - User Guide Changelog

This document describes changes to the Carbon Black User Guide in each new edition. These changes include topics that were previously not documented or were documented elsewhere, information about new features, and corrections or enhancements to existing information. Updates to the user guide generally occur when a new version of Carbon Black is released, but may also be provided between releases.

Grammatical and spelling corrections, editing changes for improved clarity, and minor factual corrections are not listed here.

This document describes documentation changes only. For feature changes, corrective content to address issues, or known issues still open, see the Carbon Black Release Notes.

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Please add this "change log" methodology to all key Bit9 and CB documentation.

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