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Cb Response Customizing the Web UI Connection

Cb Response Customizing the Web UI Connection

The purpose of this document is to allow customers to apply a signed certificate to the Cb Response web UI. By default the UI shares the same port and server certificate utilized by the sensors.

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This document appears to be out of date. On 5.1.1 Patch 3 there is no cb-multihome.conf.example and tall of the include paths are incorrect.

The file is now cb.multihome.conf.example in the 5.2 version. I was able to set everything up using that file.

Has anyone done the opposite and used a different port for the sensor port but kept the Web UI on port 443? I would rather use a standard port for the Web UI and 8443 for the sensor. This should prevent some slight confusion if someone forgets to change the port and gets a 404 message when hitting the Web UI on 443.

One update:

Step #3 for "Modify the Cb NGINX configuration file" should specify to comment out the port 80 rule in http.conf (not in the cb.multihome.conf file)

I've set this up so they're different URL's, but same port for each function, Client/sensor and Administration.  If anyone is interested i can write up a guide.

This document currently only covers master servers.

To make the same change for minions reference:

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