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Cb Response MacOS Sensor 6.2.3 Release Notes

Cb Response MacOS Sensor 6.2.3 Release Notes

The Cb Response macOS Sensor v6.2.3 Release Notes document provides information for users upgrading from previous versions as well as users new to the product. It consists of the following sections:

  • Installation Instructions - Provides instructions for Response sensor installation.
  • Corrective Content – Describes issues resolved by this release as well as more general improvements in performance or behavior.
  • Known Issues and Limitations – Describes known issues or anomalies in this version.
  • Contacting Technical Support – Describes ways to contact Carbon Black Technical Support and what information to have ready.

Published for GA: December 12, 2018

Revised: January 28, 2019 (Updated Developer ID certificate); September 5, 2019 (revised release notes to add link to Compatibility Control Knowledge Base post)


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Installation instruction 3 a ii "<package> is replaced by cb-osx-sensor" in the release notes pulls cb-osx-sensor-

Thank you.

Hi @letitworknow,

The 6.2.3-osx sensor will be made available on Wednesday Dec 19th. A User Exchange announcement will be posted once the 6.2.3-osx sensor is available for on-prem customers to download at which time you can follow the installation instructions to receive the new sensor.


Kind Regards

Can you post the installation instructions for a Windows based server?


The "yum install" command is incomplete as listed in section 3.a. of the Installation Instructions section.  The name of the package to be downloaded is not specified. The current command as listed in the instructions errs out. 

The documentation just needs a space character between the download directory and <package>

Full command in the instructions should be:

yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir=<local directory to download the package into> <package>


There needs to be a space between <local directory to download the package into> and <package>.

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