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How to interpret the results.txt output from CBPTest

How to interpret the results.txt output from CBPTest

IMPORTANT: This legacy content is not maintained.  All content regarding the CBP Test Tool is maintained on VMware Docs.  You can find this specific topic here.


Executing CBPTest Tool - Disk Performance Testing Tool results in a log file Results.txt. To interpret these results:


NOTE:  There has been an update to the script used and the way the results are displayed.   Per the comment from Matt Larsen at the bottom of the page:

There is a change in the output. In order to increase accuracy, multiple test files are used. So you will see individual results per file, and a total.  The INDIVIDUAL results should be nearly identical, and that is the value we use - not the total.



  1. Open Results.txt a text editor such as Notepad
  2. Scroll to the first set of throughput results and look for the total MB/s number under "Write IO" on line 92. This is the Sequential Writes result.
    Example screenshot:
  3. Scroll to the second set of throughput results and look for the total MB/s number under "Read IO" on line 197. This is the Random Reads result.
    Example screenshot:
  4. Scroll to the third set of throughput results and look for the total MB/s number under "Write IO" on line 316. This is the Random Writes result.
    Example screenshot:
  5. Compare the results to the requirements listed on Page 15 of Bit9 Security Platform v7.2.3 - SQL Server Configuration for Bit9SqlIo. Note that CBPTest is a newer test that has replaced Bit9SqlIo, but the required performance metrics are identical. Screenshot:
    Screen Shot 2016-09-07 at 22.14.55.png

In the example shown above, the storage is capable of supporting a Cb Protection instance with up to 500 endpoints, with "Random Writes" being the limiting factor.

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Here's a quick and dirty shell script for those on *nix/OSX to grab and print those three fields:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Useage:

# ./ Results.txt

echo -n "Sequential Writes MB/s: "

head -92 $1 | tail -1 | cut -d "|" -f 3 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'

echo -n "Random Reads MB/s: "

head -197 $1 | tail -1 | cut -d "|" -f 3 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'

echo -n "Random Writes MB/s: "

head -316 $1 | tail -1 | cut -d "|" -f 3 | sed -e 's/^[[:space:]]*//'

There is a change in the output. In order to increase accuracy, multiple test files are used. So you will see individual results per file, and a total.  The INDIVIDUAL results should be nearly identical, and that is the value we use - not the total. 

In v2.1 the data will be parsed out.

Hey mlarsen​ any news on v2.1.


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