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PSC January 2019 Release Notes

PSC January 2019 Release Notes

Starting in the fifth week of January 2019,  PSC customers will receive an automatic upgrade to the PSC Console. This document describes usability and performance improvements and bug fixes in the January release.

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In the Cb ThreatHunder 'Fixed issues' section, there are two 'DSER-12465' entries.

Shouldn't one of them be 'DSER-12493' ?




Hi Haro,

That was an error on our end. You are correct, both DSER-12465 and DSER-12493 were fixed in this release. I am uploading a correct version now. Thank you for noting this error.

Why are you limiting the Test a Policy feature to customers that have CB Threathunter and CB Defense? Why can't customers with just CB Defense also have this feature? This feature would have saved us a lot of time, headaches and fewer tickets to support.

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