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PSC Linux 2.1.0 Sensor Release Notes

PSC Linux 2.1.0 Sensor Release Notes

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Make sure to also check out the Live Response Blue Team Handbook with several copy/paste Live Response commands that can be used with exec or execfg.

Any hints on the release date(range?) of the PSC Sensor for Linux available yet for Cb Defense Live Response? 


Does Linux version of sensor honor Sensor Group setting?

I have tested the new 2.1.0 version of sensor in my environment (Prod02), but unless I assign the policy manually, it stayed in 'Unassigned' state.

The release not does no seem to mention anything about the limitation nor in 'Known Issues'  section.




Hello ,


Did any one managed to download the sensor ?  while trying to download i am getting an error :


<Error><Code>NoSuchKey</Code><Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message><Key>prod06/rhel/cb-psc-sensor-rhel-</Key><RequestId>DBB68165F040FDE7</RequestId><HostId>PCiUxOZ9moImfRHTYIHdI36l9fj8G0sQbPJRG01WeouJKpgroycE1WbHpUxa1iy7v+2gJcOQfBI=</HostId></Error>

Hello @gregorin,

I have access to prod02 and prod05 servers and I was able to download the tgz file from both servers.

May be some issue on the 'prod06' server as hinted in <Key> section?


Thank @haro works from Prod02 :)

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