IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 6, 2024, Carbon Black User eXchange (UeX) and Case Management will move to a new platform!
The Community will be in read-only mode starting April 19th, 7:00 AM PDT. Check out the blog post!
You will still be able to use the case portal to create and interact with your support cases until the transition, view more information here!

App Control: What B9cli Commands are Available on Linux?

App Control: What B9cli Commands are Available on Linux?


  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
  • Linux: All Supported Versions


What B9cli Commands are Available on Linux?


Not Authenticated:
--password arg<pwd> [timeout#] Enabled command access
--isinitializingIs the agent currently initializing
--statusDisplay status summary
--capture arg<filename> Capture all diagnostics files into a zip archive
--countersDisplay counter information
--copycache arg<directory> Make a safe copy of the live cache/server files and store in specified directory
--initializationallowed arg[0|1] Toggle whether the agent is allowed to initialize
--serverDisplay the server address
--setserver arg<address>[:port[:serverid]] Change the server address/port/serverId
--shutdownStop CbProtection Agent
--startupStart CbProtection Agent
--timedoverride arg<Password> Temporarily override current enforcement level
--versionDisplays the software versions
--wait arg<condition> [timeout] Wait until condition is true, or timeout, up to timeout seconds

--abcountShow name and hash antibody counts
--abstate argModify data AB state
--add arg<type> [args] Add generic data
--analyzeAnalyze counters for potential problems, generate analysis.bt9
--bookmark argBookmark a cache for ClientEmulation
--checkcache arg[level [flags]]|[abort] Instruct the agent to correct cache problems
--configlistGet current configuration list version
--configlistrefreshForce config list refresh from server
--connectAllow connection to server
--countevents argEvent counts (All|Sent|Unsent)
--countreports argFile reports counts (All|Sent|Unsent)
--disconnectDisconnect and prevent connection to server
--configpropsDisplay active config properties
--debuglevel arg[0-4] Report or set agent debug message level
--devicesShows attached devices (or all devices ever seen)
--uniquedevicesShows unique set of devices
--devicerulesShows server device control rules
--delete arg<type> [args] Removes generic data
--dump arg<agent|system|config> Generate a crash dump, or config dump options
--find arg<filename> Find file by filename
--filequeueDisplay file analysis queue
--flushlingeringFlush DABs with no corresponding NABs
--flushlogsFlush CbProtection log files
--grouptest arg<group> <user> Tests whether user is a member of group
--get arg<type> [args] Retrieve generic data from agent
--healthcheckChecks to see if agent is healthy
--hash arg <filename> Hash a file
--hostgroupGet current host group identifier
--importconfiglist arg<file> [full] [now] Loads configlist
--installs arg<active|trust> Display install events
--isconnectedIs the agent connected to the server
--isinsession Is the agent in session with the server
--issleepingIs the agent sleeping
--kernelconfig arg<name> <value> Send a name/value property to the kernel
--kerneltrace arg[level [flags]] Enable tracing in kernel (0 disables)
--knormalize arg<file> Show the normalized kernel filename
--lingeringShow lingering file hashes
--links arg <file> Show the hardlinks for file
--localapprovalsShow local hash approvals
--md5 arg <hash> Find file by MD5 hash
--nettrace arg[0|1] Turn network tracing off or on, or report state
--notifierRun CLI version of the notifier
--prioritize arg[0|1] (De-)Prioritize sending events and file reports
--process arg<pid> Show process information by process id
--processchain arg<pid> Show process lineage by process id
--processesShow process list
--resetcountersReset counters back to their initial state
--enforcement arg<#> Report or change the enforcement level
--disconnectedenforcement arg[#] Report or change the offline enforcement level
--sha1 arg<hash> Find file by hash
--sha256 arg<hash> Find file by hash
--showscriptpolicies arg[1] Show script rules (unexpanded)
--showmempolicies arg [1] Show memory rules (unexpanded)
--shownamebans arg[1] Show name ban rules (unexpanded)
--showpapathsShow crawl paths
--showpathpolicies arg [1] Show name custom rules (unexpanded)
--showtrustedShow trusted process list
--showupgradesShow version history of CbProtection Agent
--sysinfoDisplays system information
--sslmode arg[#] Set SSL mode (1:Basic, 2:Strong), or report mode
--tamperprotect arg[0|1] Set tamper protection off or on, or report state
--testpattern arg<pattern> <test> Tests whether a given pattern matches a filename
--trustedusers Shows trusted users and user groups
--unittest arg[subsystem[subsystem,...]] Execute kernel subsystem tests
--tagsGet current classification assignments
--uploaddiagnosticsUpload diagnostics files to server
--usersShows logged on users
--volumesDisplays volume information

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