IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 6, 2024, Carbon Black User eXchange (UeX) and Case Management will move to a new platform!
The Community will be in read-only mode starting April 19th, 7:00 AM PDT. Check out the blog post!
You will still be able to use the case portal to create and interact with your support cases until the transition, view more information here!

Carbon Black Cloud: How to Test Client Connectivity to the Backend (Windows)

Carbon Black Cloud: How to Test Client Connectivity to the Backend (Windows)


  • Carbon Black Cloud Console: All versions
  • Carbon Black Cloud Sensor: All supported versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All supported versions


Test to confirm a client machine's ability to connect to the Carbon Black Cloud backend


Test connection to the Sensor URL. (Example of a Prod05 URL)
Without connection to the sensor URL, the sensor will be unable to check-in. is specific to Prod 05. For other environments see additional notes
  1. Open a Powershell administrative prompt
  2. Run command:
    Test-NetConnection -computername -Port 443 -InformationLevel Detailed
  3. Successful connection will show:
    TcpTestSucceeded : True 
Test connection to the Content Management URL
Without connection to the content management URL, the sensor is not fully operational or protected. This URL is the same for all backends.
  1. Open a Powershell administrative prompt
  2. Run command:
    Test-NetConnection -computername -Port 443 -InformationLevel Detailed
  3. Successful connection will show:
    TcpTestSucceeded : True
Test connection to the Signature Update URL
Only needed for the Endpoint Standard sku. Without connection to the Signature URL, the sensor will not be able to receive signature pack updates. This URL is the same for all backends.
  1. Open a Powershell administrative prompt
  2. Run command:
    Test-NetConnection -computername -Port 443 -InformationLevel Detailed
  3. Successful connection will show:
    TcpTestSucceeded : True

Additional Notes

BackendSensor URL
Prod 01
  • Port 54443 is a backup port for the Sensor URL
  • Live Response can also be used to test the connection:
    execfg powershell Test-NetConnection -computername <URL> -Port 443 -InformationLevel Detailed

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