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Carbon Black Cloud: How to collect logs for high CPU utilization issues on the Linux platform

Carbon Black Cloud: How to collect logs for high CPU utilization issues on the Linux platform


  • Carbon Black Cloud Linux Sensor: All Supported Versions
  • Linux: All Supported Versions


Collect pertinent information to help troubleshoot high CPU utilization issues


  1. Determine the baseline for what is considered "typical utilization", for instance: "My application normally handles X transactions/second, with the sensor installed, it handles less transactions/second”
  2. Ensure the utility "perf" is installed 
  3. Save the following code as a bash file, then run it from the affected machine as superuser, while the issue is present: 
    DIRNAME=$(hostname)_cbc-perf-$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)
    mkdir $DIRNAME
    cd $DIRNAME
    echo "VMWare Carbon Black Cloud - Performance Metrics Gathering Script"
    echo "Working..."
    top -b -n 10 >
    ps -efT >
    ps -efo uid,pid,pcpu,rss,spid,ppid,c,stime,tty,time,comm >
    #vmstat output 
    vmstat 3 10 > cbc.vmstat 
    #iostat output 
    iostat 3 10 > cbc.iostat
    #Backup kptr_restrict
    cp /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict ./kptr_restrict_$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)
    # Get kptr_restrict value
    old_kptr_restrict=$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict)
    # Disable kptr_restrict for a moment
    echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict
    # Record everything for 15 seconds
    echo "Sleeping for 15ish seconds ..."
    perf record -o -F 99 -a -g sleep 15
    # Dump human readable data to file for easier reading
    perf report -i --hierarchy > cbc-perf_sleep_15.stdio
    # Copy kallsyms for kmod addresses
    cp /proc/kallsyms .
    cd ..
    # Restore kptr_restrict
    echo "${old_kptr_restrict}" > /proc/sys/kernel/kptr_restrict
    tar -zcf $DIRNAME.tgz $DIRNAME
    rm -rf $DIRNAME
    echo "Wrote $DIRNAME.tgz"
    echo "Please share $DIRNAME.tgz with support"
  4. The script will output a compressed file with a .tgz extension, please collect the sensor logs as well as the tgz file and provide to support.

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