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EDR: Can the Redis Database be configured to use a password?

EDR: Can the Redis Database be configured to use a password?


  • EDR Server: 7.5.1 and Higher


Pen testing revealed the Redis Database is not password protected, can a password be configured?


Starting in 7.5.1 the server can be configured to use password authentication along with a certificate.

1.  Open and edit /etc/cb/cb.conf, add the following values if they do not exist (Should match on primary and minion servers)


RedisPassword=<create a password>
2.  Skip to step 5 if the redis certificates already exist in /etc/cb/certs/.  Only EDR servers a) upgrading from an older version to 7.5.1+ or b) required to change the current redis certs should follow steps 2 to 4.
     Copy the python script found in Additional Notes (below) and create a file called "" on the Primary EDR server.

3.  Update permissions and run the file (Primary server only)
sudo chmod 770

4.  For Cluster nodes, copy the same redis-ca-crt/key pair and the redis-crt/key pair created on the Primary server to each Minion node.    Confirm the permissions match the other certificate and key files in /etc/cb/certs/ directory.
scp /etc/cb/certs/redis* <minion IP>:/etc/cb/certs/
5.  Restart the services.

Additional Notes

  • For a standalone server, the best practice is to only allow tcp/80 and tcp/443 and tcp/8443 (depends on what port you set for UI) for sensor/web console traffic and tcp/22 for management. 
  • The Redis database is only vulnerable to "Unprotected by Password Authentication" when allowed remote access outside local or between the minions
  • Pen testing should be done against outside access and not based just on an open port 6379
  • Port should not be changed from 6379

from cb.setup.initcb import ensure_redis_ca_cert
from cb.setup.initcb import ensure_redis_cert
from cb.setup.initcb import _update_cert_file_permissions
from cb.utils.config import Config

cb_config = Config()

class config():
      svc_user = cb_config.CbUser
      svc_group = cb_config.CbGroup
      ssl_redis_ca_cert_file = cb_config.SSLRedisCACertFile
      ssl_redis_ca_key_file = cb_config.SSLRedisCAKeyFile
      ssl_redis_cert_file = cb_config.SSLRedisCertFile
      ssl_redis_key_file = cb_config.SSLRedisKeyFile

cert_path = config.ssl_redis_cert_file.rsplit('/',1)[0]

_update_cert_file_permissions(config, cert_path, cert_path)


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