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Events are not pruned and the das database is increasing in size

Events are not pruned and the das database is increasing in size

Version (P15) and (P16)



Events, that should have been pruned by the DailyPrune Task based on the Event Log Management settings, are still showing in the Bit9 Console.



  • The das database is increasing in size
  • The Events table is increasing in size and in records number:

The following query will show the count of events:

select count(*) from Events (nolock)


The following query will show the minimum timestamp for events that exist in the database:

select min(ReceivedTimestamp) from eventsGUI (1033)


  • The DailyPrune Task shows a successful execution each night
  • No errors, related to the DailyPrune task, are logged in the Reporter log.



This will happen only on versions (P15) and

The ProcessDailyStats stored procedure refers to a DB table that does not exist in this version and therefore fails to execute.

Being the first stored procedure to execute on the DailyPrune task, it stops the entire task execution, without logging additional errors.



To resolve the issue, choose one of the following options:


- Upgrade to the latest version of 7.0.1 or 7.2.




- Recreate the ProcessDailyStats stored procedure in the das database, using the attached sql script:

    • For (P15) use: ProcessDailyStats_P15Fix.sql
    • For (P16) use: ProcessDailyStats_P16Fix.sql
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