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Failed Bit9 server installation related to failed execution of certutil.exe

Failed Bit9 server installation related to failed execution of certutil.exe






Bit9 server installation is failing.


Install log shows this error:

Could not launch app : C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Temp\{DF058C55-D405-4F30-9531-E8193A7212C6}\{ECD2D524-718A-4A49-8026-337428C013EB}\certutil.exe


Windows Application event log shows this error:

Activation context generation failed for "C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Temp\2\{ECF76097-32C1-44A1-8D42-41832043A6BE}\{ECD2D524-718A-4A49-8026-337428C013EB}\certutil.exe".Error in manifest or policy file "C:\Users\<user name>\AppData\Local\Temp\2\{ECF76097-32C1-44A1-8D42-41832043A6BE}\{ECD2D524-718A-4A49-8026-337428C013EB}\certutil.exe.Config" on line 11. Invalid Xml syntax.




Using a special character on the password for the Bit9 service account, SQL Server service account and certificate. The Bit9 server installer didn't escape the special character when writing it to the certutil.exe.Config file. This caused certutil.exe to fail and not start up when parsing the XML configuration file, which resulted in a failed installation



Change the password and avoid using the following special characters:

-ampersand (&)
-less than (<)
-greater than (>)
-single quote (')
-double quote (")

-exclamation point




This issue is being addressed on future patch.

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