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FireEye File Analysis produces error: "Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed"

FireEye File Analysis produces error: "Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed"


All Bit9 versions


FireEye file analysis results in error:

"System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception:Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again."


This error indicates that multiple connections are attempted (probably from different resources) to the share location you have provided when configuring the Bit9-FireEye integration.

This is a networking limitation and can occur in the following scenarios:

    • A person is logged in to the Bit9 server machine and has a connection to the share directory with his own credentials and the Bit9 server also tries to connect to this location for File Analysis.
    • 2 different Bit9 installations are configured to access the same shared location (with the same user credentials)


  • Identify the resources that access this shared location.
  • If one is connected temporarily to this location, end this connection and check if the error stops showing in the Bit9 console when sending file for analysis.
  • If 2 Bit9 installations are accessing the same shared location, try one of the following suggestions below:
    • On both installations, open the Bit9 Console and go to: Administration > System Configuration > Connectors tab> FireEye

Compare the user credentials and if they are the same on both, modify one of the installations to use another user or add the domain to the user (domain\user).

Use the Test button to test the connection after making the changes.

    • On the same page in the Bit9 console, use a different representation of the target host under the 'upload path', for example:

On one installation, use the FQDN and on the other the IP.

Use the Test button to test the connection after making the changes.

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