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Health check error: "Bit9 Agent detected a problem: Missing static MSI info for agent"

Health check error: "Bit9 Agent detected a problem: Missing static MSI info for agent"


All CB Protection versions


Agents are reporting the following health check error: "Bit9 Agent detected a problem: Missing static MSI info for agent"


This health check error may start appearing after the agent upgrade.


This message is purely informational and doesn't actually affect the behavior of the agent.

The Bit9 agent keeps an internal cache of static MSI products. It's one of the items that is checked during a health check to ensure that the Bit9 agent's MSI info is found in its internal cache of install events. If it is not found, the agent throws the health check in question.

This may be related to a recent agent upgrade and related to the way a third party application tries to repackage the .msi installer for deployment to endpoints. It changes the installation process in such a way that it does not immediately update the MSI cache. When this is not updated, our agent throws a health check warning because it is designed to validate these values.

This will not happen when upgrading manually or through the console.


Run the following dascli command on the agent endpoints and it will resync these values:

1. Open an elevated command prompt window

2. cd to C:\program files...\Bit9\Parity Agent

3. Run:

dascli password <CLI password>

dascli updatemsiinfo

Alternatively, you can suppress this particular health check event using an agent config. The details for this agent config setting are listed below.:

1. Load the agent config page: https://<Bit9 server>/agent_config.php

2. Check to see if there is an existing agent property where the value starts with "health_check_exclusions".

a) If there is an existing health_check_exclusions property, append this string at the end separated by a comma: *Missing static MSI info for agent*

b) if there is no existing property, define a new property as follows.

Name: suppress Missing static MSI info for agent health check alert

Value: health_check_exclusions=*Missing static MSI info for agent*

Host Id: 0 (for all agents)

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