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How to control the volume of events and files created by Marimba-based infrastructures

How to control the volume of events and files created by Marimba-based infrastructures

Applies to Version 6.0.x, 7.0.x

The Marimba or Marimba-based software and patch distribution system is creating a very large number of temporary files. This large number of files may be detrimental to Bit9 Server performance and the administrator's experience. The high volume of events sent from Bit9 Agents may significantly reduce server performance. The number of items may clutter the "Events" display in the administration console, and make it hard to filter on more interesting traffic. This same cluttering effect may happen with inventory searching and reporting from "Files" and "Files on Computers".



The files are written to directories whose names typically include the string ".marimba" and also "ch.5" where "5" may be any integer.  If the files are globally approved, no events may show in the Bit9 administration console.  Only a query against "Deleted File Instances" using Bit9's "Live File Inventory SDK," or an analysis of client-side diagnostics, may clearly show the issue.



The Marimba or Marimba-based agent creates a temporary, unique file container every time a "chunk" of the file's binary stream is delivered to the workstation from the Marimba or Marimba-based servers.  Several operations may occur for large transfers or for transfers that experience some rate of failure.  Only the final product, the fully downloaded file, will be executed and is of interest to the Bit9 agent.



Create a custom rule that ignores these files when they are written, but allows them to execute should that ever happen.

The syntax of the rule should be as follows.

Name: Marimba Performance Optimizations


Ignores writes to "tuner" temporary directories, but still allows execution from those folders.


Rule Type:


Execute & Write


Execute Action:


Write Action:


Path or File:
c:\program files\marimba\tuner\.marimba\marimba_client\*


Any Process


Important Note(s)
Note that the specified path may differ from what is written above, depending on how your environment is configured, or if Marimba is the engine underlying your vendor's product. For example, in BCAC Products Transmitter deployed in Retail/POS environments, the name of the path might be c:\program files\bcac\tuner\.marimba\storetuner\*

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