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Need to re-install the Bit9 server application but DAS database was lost either due to file corruption or system crash

Need to re-install the Bit9 server application but DAS database was lost either due to file corruption or system crash




Need to re-install the Bit9 server application but DAS database was lost either due to file corruption or system crash


On the current Bit9 server, open the IIS manager and export the certificate used for Bit9 only if you’re using an actual CA and not the default self-signed certificate. To export the CA that you used for Bit9, on IIS manager, select the server name. Open the Server Certificates > right-click on your CA for Bit9 > select Export.

On a machine with an existing Bit9 agent, run "dascli status". Take note of the server name listed. When you re-install the Bit9 server application, use that server name.

During the Bit9 server re-install, login to the Bit9 server as the service account you used before for Parity Server and Parity Reporter services (7.2 services are called Bit9 Server and Bit9 Reporter services). This service account needs local admin rights on the Bit9 server and all the permissions listed on solution 505. Uninstall the Bit9 server application and reboot before attempting a re-install.

During the re-install of the Bit9 server application, you’ll have to select the option to create a new database.

Once the Bit9 server is installed, the CL version of your server will be lower than the agent. Use solution 481 to increase the CL version of the server.

On an machine with an existing Bit9 agent, go to ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent (XP and Win 2003 uses Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bit9\Parity Agent) and copy the content of file. Then, on the SQL, run this command to replace the new server ID with the old server ID used by existing agents:

use das

update dbo.shepherd_configs

set value = 'put the old server id string here enclosed with single quotes'

where name ='serverIDString'

Your rules and policies will need to be recreated manually. All events and file information that the existing Bit9 agents have can be re-synched to the server by selecting Action > Re-synch All File Information. Please re-syching only a few agents at a time to avoid server backlog.

If you used an actual CA before instead of a self-signed certificate, apply the exported CA on the Bit9 console. Go to System Configuration and import your CA on Security tab. On IIS, import the CA certificate there and bind it to port 443 using these steps:

  1. On the IIS Manager navigation tree on the left-pane, select the server name
  2. Open the Server Certificates > click the Import link on the right
  3. After your CA is imported, expand “Sites” and select “Parity Console Web”
  4. On the “Action”, select “Bindings…” > click on https 443 and click Edit
  5. On the “SSL certificate” drop-down, select the CA that you imported > click OK
  6. On the IIS Manager window, click Restart or run the “iisreset” on the command prompt (you need to be an administrator to do this)
  7. Restart the Parity Server service (7.2 uses Bit9 Server service)
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