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Wrong IP listed for a machine in the Bit9 Console

Wrong IP listed for a machine in the Bit9 Console





The wrong IP address is listed for a Bit9 Agent machine on the Bit9 Console.



When viewing computers on the Bit9 Console, the wrong IP is listed for a machine or multiple machines.



The Bit9 Server uses the IP address seen during the connection with the Bit9 Agent for the IP address shown on the Bit9 Console.



This is the expected behavior for Bit9. The Bit9 Agent does not send the local IP address to the Bit9 Server. Work with your networking team to determine what is causing the connection to show a different IP address (proxy, NetScaler solutions, TCP/IP connection reuse, etc).


Important Note(s)

A tool such as WireShark can show the incoming connections to the Bit9 Server. This will help to show which IPs are connecting to the machine and may narrow down where the incorrect IP is coming from.

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