IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 6, 2024, Carbon Black User eXchange (UeX) and Case Management will move to a new platform!
The Community will be in read-only mode starting April 19th, 7:00 AM PDT. Check out the blog post!
You will still be able to use the case portal to create and interact with your support cases until the transition, view more information here!

CB Response Linux Sensor v6.2.1 Release Notes

CB Response Linux Sensor v6.2.1 Release Notes

This document provides information for users upgrading to CB Response Linux Sensor v6.2.1 from previous versions as well as users new to CB Response. The key information specific to this release is provided in the following major sections:

  • Installation Instructions - Describes installation instructions of the Linux sensor
  • New features – Describes new features introduced in this release.
  • Corrective content – Describes issues resolved by this release as well as more general improvements in performance or behavior.
  • Known issues and limitations – Describes known issues or anomalies in this version that you should be aware of.
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The download instructions in this document does not list the current package name to download specifically.
Through trial and error, I found that the package name is "cb-linux-sensor-installer-"

So the download command is:
yum install --downloadonly --downloaddir= <package local download directory> <package>

Then replace <package> with cb-linux-sensor-installer-

@smeyerFYI: The package name is in step 5

That said, the main reason for this comment is for some RHEL systems that don't support the '--downloadonly' option.  I had to use the following to get the package:

#sudo yumdownloader  --destdir=~/tmp cb-linux-sensor-installer-



@bhansen : FYI:  When using the full package name as listed in Step 5, "cb-linux-sensor-installer-," the download failed for me with the error:
"No package cb-linux-sensor-installer- available."

I found that truncating the package name to "cb-linux-sensor-installer-" allowed for download.

@smeyerThank you for the clarification!  Good find.  I tend to use wildcards after the minor version number and didn't catch that.

You mention that log rotation has been corrected in this version.  However I've noticed that my logs do NOT respond properly to rotation.  I have my logs set to 100MB / 2% and they are just stopping log creation at my 100MB and spinning up a new log file.  This isn't how this is supposed to work.  Is this configurable?

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