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Cb Defense April 2018 Release Notes

Cb Defense April 2018 Release Notes

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When will the UI changes take effect on the Cb Defense Cloud console?

Hi thebluejakel

It depends on which console instance you are in. Please refer to the release schedule at the bottom of this post to determine when your console will be updated: Cb Defense for VMware: April ‘18 Release  Let us know if we can help with anything else!

Thank you!

Misspelling/Wrong word in release notes pg 3 sara_m --

EA-11610 Resolved an issue where search filters on the left hand panel of the Investigate page were not proper populating

Believe that should be "properly"

Good catch cstamand​! We corrected that typo. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

Hi tfunaki​ -san,

You should refer the following article for the release dates: Rolling Out the April ‘18 Release of Cb Defense



Food afternoon,


Can you assist on the removal of the timeline in the Invesitgate tab? It takes up too much room. CbD.

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