IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 6, 2024, Carbon Black User eXchange (UeX) and Case Management will move to a new platform!
The Community will be in read-only mode starting April 19th, 7:00 AM PDT. Check out the blog post!
You will still be able to use the case portal to create and interact with your support cases until the transition, view more information here!

Cb Response 6.1.2 Release Notes

Cb Response 6.1.2 Release Notes

The Carbon Black Response version 6.1.2 Release Notes document provides information for users upgrading from previous versions as well as users new to the product.

Version 6.1.2

Released July 25, 2017

Updated 10/6/17 to include the following change:

The version of the server packaged with this release is

Updated 9/25/17 with the following corrections:

Purpose of this Release

[...] this release packages the following component versions:


Windows Sensor:

OS X Sensor:

Linux Sensor:


System Requirements > Server / Console Operating Systems

● CentOS 6.7-6.9 (64-bit)

● Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.7-6.9 (64-bit)

Labels (1)

There doesn't seem to be any mention of being able to edit Watchlists in the document as was reported by Justin Falck.

  • Watchlists
         are now EDITABLE!
    We know
         this has been a feature request for some time, and it's now available in
         the product! We're very interested in any feedback you may have on this

I know how to find the current sensor versions in the Console but I seem unable to determine what exact server version I am running. The main version is 6.1.2 but nowhere that I can see in console does it show full server version.


mshubaly​- if you scroll all the way to your footer from the console, you will see the version of the server. I hope this helps.



Not sure what a footer is. I am guessing you mean the bar at the very bottom of the window and it says 6.1.2 which doesn't tell me which specific version I am running.

So, I just noticed this -- and it may be helpful.  I (wrongly) assumed the only way to get complete version information was by running something like cat against /usr/share/cb/VERSION on the server.

However, when I navigated to the bottom of the console webpage (where it will have a version # and copyright info in the bottom right corner) if you double-click on the version # in gray, you'll find that it expands to the full version number! 

Like an Easter egg. Thanks that works.

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