IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 6, 2024, Carbon Black User eXchange (UeX) and Case Management will move to a new platform!
The Community will be in read-only mode starting April 19th, 7:00 AM PDT. Check out the blog post!
You will still be able to use the case portal to create and interact with your support cases until the transition, view more information here!

Cb Protection Standby Issues on OS X and MacOS

Cb Protection Standby Issues on OS X and MacOS

Version (Patch 3) and higher


On OS X and MacOS endpoints, customers have been encountering OS crashes or reboots after waking the laptop from standby.


End users are encountering crashes/reboots when attempting to wake their OS X/Mac OS devices from standby.


This issue was due to the b9daemon keeping a hold for too long, and will be fixed in an upcoming release of Cb Protection.


To resolve this issue, you will need to modify the pmset settings:

Please run the following command on any OS X/Mac OS device experiencing the issue:

Launch Terminal

sudo pmset -a autopoweroff 0 standby 0

These settings should take hold right away, no need to restart.

Important Note(s)

Engineering is working on resolving this issue, and is targeted to be fixed in an upcoming release of Cb Protection.  This solution will be updated when we have the version confirmed.

You can find out more about these settings via Apple's kbase:

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