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How to enable debugging mode using "dascli" command

How to enable debugging mode using "dascli" command


  • Cb Protection 6.x - 8.x
  • All Supported Windows OS


  • This document provides information on how to enable debugging mode using "dascli" command. This is useful for capturing information in to the agent log files when reproducing an issue for investigation.


  1. Follow the steps from this document - How to use the "dascli" command
  2. Elevate permission by using the CLI or Global password.
    1. CLI password can be found on the Computer Details page from the console.
    2. Global password is set by the admin
    3. Example: dascli password ABCD-EFGH-IJKL-MNOP
  3. Debugging Level
    1. ValueLevel
      0Off (default)
    2. High level is the usual level used for investigation. Verbose level is useful too, but can get too noisy and create much bigger log files.
  4. Run the following command to enable the debugging mode and set the correct level:
    1. dascli debuglevel 6
    2. dascli debuglevel 7 (only if specifically requested by Support)
  5. When reproducing the issue is complete, turn off the debugging mode. Leaving it on will cause the agent to be too busy and create large log files that could use a lot of disk space. To turn it off, run this command:
    1. dascli debuglevel 0

Additional Notes

If you receive "Access denied" message when running the command here, please run the "dascli password <CLI or Global password" again to elevate your permission.

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