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App Control: Backlog Not Decreasing After Deleting Multiple Devices

App Control: Backlog Not Decreasing After Deleting Multiple Devices


  • App Control: All Versions


  • Backlog not decreasing, but is changing
  • Analysis script shows Total Antibody backlog and Total count of temp AB's on deleted or disabled hosts to be very close
  • Processing backlog does not seem to be impacted, new data is importing correctly


There is logic which causes the Temp Antibodies for deleted devices to not import, and instead skip to devices which are not deleted. This causes them to sit in the backlog without importing or deleting. 


Warning: Running the steps below, will delete file data sitting in the backlog, for deleted devices
  1. Verify how many devices need to be pruned from the backlog by running the SQL script below: 
    use das
    set nocount on
    select GetDate() as 'Start Time'
    -------- LOCAL VARIABLES ---------
    DECLARE @hosts table(host_id int not null, cnt int)
    INSERT INTO @hosts(host_id,cnt) 
    SELECT t.[host_id], COUNT(1)
    FROM [dbo].[temp_antibody_instances] t WITH (NOLOCK)
        JOIN [dbo].[host_state] hs WITH (NOLOCK) on hs.host_id= t.host_id
        JOIN [dbo].[hostmain] hm WITH (NOLOCK) on hm.host_id = t.host_id
    WHERE hs.defcon_id= 80 or hm.deleted = 1
    GROUP BY t.[host_id]
    SELECT TOP 100 t.[host_id],t.cnt 'Count of Temp AB records'    
    FROM @hosts t
    ORDER BY t.cnt DESC
    select GetDate() as 'End Time'
  2. Take a full backup of the DAS database
  3. Run the script below to remove all the temp antibodies for deleted devices:
    use das  
    set nocount on    
    -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    -- Description:   
    -- 1. Deleted clones issue (backlog)  
    --    Delete backlog in 10,000 chunks
    -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    -- Step 1: declare variables  
    	declare @cnt int, @del_cnt int;  
    	declare @max int;  
    	declare @tbl table (id int identity, host_id int)    
    	declare @chunkSize int
    	set @chunkSize=10000
    -- Step 2: get list of hosts to correct
    	;WITH CTE AS 
    		SELECT COUNT(1) [cnt], t.[host_id]
    		FROM [dbo].[temp_antibody_instances] t WITH (NOLOCK)
    			JOIN [dbo].[host_state] hs WITH (NOLOCK) on hs.host_id= t.host_id
    			JOIN [dbo].[hostmain] hm WITH (NOLOCK) on hm.host_id = t.host_id
    		WHERE hs.defcon_id= 80 or hm.deleted = 1
    		GROUP BY t.[host_id]
    	INSERT INTO @tbl (host_id)  
    		SELECT host_id FROM CTE t
    		WHERE t.cnt>0
    		ORDER BY t.cnt DESC
    	SELECT @max = max(id), @cnt= 1 from @tbl ;    
    -- Step 3: loop; delete backlog for each host 
    	while (@cnt <= @max)   
    			declare @hostID int;    
    			select @hostID = host_id from @tbl  where id = @cnt;        
    			print convert(varchar(3), @cnt) + ' host id: ' + convert(varchar(30), @hostID);        
    			-- Remove temp ab records for this host
    			--delete from dbo.temp_antibody_instances where host_id = @hostID 
    			SET ROWCOUNT @chunkSize
    			WHILE (1=1)
    				delete from dbo.temp_antibody_instances where host_id = @hostID 
    				SET @del_cnt = @@ROWCOUNT
    				IF @del_cnt=0 
    			-- Update counter    
    			set @cnt = @cnt + 1;       

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