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App Control: How to Collect Logs for Troubleshooting a Disconnected Agent (Windows)

App Control: How to Collect Logs for Troubleshooting a Disconnected Agent (Windows)


  • App Control Agent: All Supported Versions
  • Microsoft Windows: All Supported Versions


How to collect logs to troubleshoot a disconnected Windows Agent.


  1. On the disconnected endpoint, open an administrative command prompt and issue the following commands:
    cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent"
    dascli password GlobalPassword
    dascli disconnect
    dascli debuglevel 6
    dascli nettrace 1
    dascli connect
    dascli healthcheck
    dascli status
  2. In the returned output, locate: Server Information > Server and note the address
    Example: means the Server Address is
  3. Issue the following commands:
    netstat -ano | findstr "41002"
    nslookup <ServerAddress>
    ping <ServerAddress>
    tracert <ServerAddress>
    netsh winhttp show proxy
    (for XP/Server 2003 use: proxycfg)
  4. Use PowerShell to issue the following commands and save the results to a text file in C:\Temp\
    Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <ServerAddress> -Port 41002 -InformationLevel "Detailed" > "C:\Temp\ConnectionTest.txt"
    Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <ServerAddress> -Port 443 -InformationLevel "Detailed" >> "C:\Temp\ConnectionTest.txt"
  5. In the administrative command prompt issue the following commands:
    dascli password 'GlobalPassword'
    dascli debuglevel 0
    dascli nettrace 0
    dascli capture "C:\Temp\"
  6. Upload the collected logs to the Vault.
  7. Once the upload has completed, provide an update on the existing Support Case
  8. (Optional) A Wireshark capture may be requested during troubleshooting. Providing it upfront can reduce the number of log requests.

Additional Notes

When debugging is enabled the file C:\ProgramData\Bit9\Parity Agent\Logs\Trace.bt9 may contain relevant errors (search for Winhttp and SSLerrors and look for non zero codes)
  1. If results from netstat -ano | findstr "41002" show 'TIME_WAIT' instead of 'ESTABLISHED', then there is likely an issue with the TLS Protocols and/or Cipher Suites
  2. Optionally if Telnet is available, you can check connectivity with:
    telnet <ServerAddress> 41002

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