IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 6, 2024, Carbon Black User eXchange (UeX) and Case Management will move to a new platform!
The Community will be in read-only mode starting April 19th, 7:00 AM PDT. Check out the blog post!
You will still be able to use the case portal to create and interact with your support cases until the transition, view more information here!

EDR: Alerts Sent for Binaries That No Longer Exist in the Environment

EDR: Alerts Sent for Binaries That No Longer Exist in the Environment


  • EDR Server: All Versions


An alert is received for a malicious binary. When clicking on the hash from the Triage page, the details show that the file hasn't been seen in some time, or that the endpoint where the file was previously seen is no longer active in the environment.


The alert itself is generated because the binary has received an updated score from a Threat Intelligence Feed currently enabled


  • The alert can be handled a few different ways
    1. Triage Alert: It may be useful to know that threat intelligence information for a file that was previously seen in the environment has now been updated. Depending on the file, or how long ago the file was last seen in the environment, follow up to see what impact the file had on the environment may be beneficial. 
    2. Reduce Frequency: If this is caused by false positive score change, alerts below a certain score can be ignored for a feed by adding a configuration change in /etc/cb/cb.conf.
    3. Ignore Future Events: After setting an Alert to False Positive, and option to ignore future events will be available in the pop-up. Select Yes will mean notifications will never be received for the hash again. This should only be used if the binary is trusted in the organization.
    4. Remove the binary and receive Alerts next time the binary appears in the environment: The binary document can be removed from the database. This will stop alerts until the next time the binary appears in an environment by a sensor that has not seen the binary before. EDR: How to remove a binary document from Solr (cbmodules)
    5. Enable cbmodules purge cronjob: Removing old binaries can be done via a built in cronjob that is not enabled by default. This will remove any binary that does not have a event associated with if for the X amount of days after you set. This also helps with search performance as most binaries are not seen again. Any sensor that has not seen the binary before can resend binary metadata and alert again.

Additional Notes

Option 4 and 5 should only be done after discussing with the incident response / security teams. Deleting a binary may remove important visibility into what binaries previously existed in the environment

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