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Cb Response: Email Alert Received While No Alert is Found in Console

Cb Response: Email Alert Received While No Alert is Found in Console


  • Cb Response: All versions
  • Cb Response Console


  • Alert email received while the alert within the Cb Response console is not found under Detect > Triage Alert.


  • "Create Alert" On Hit is not ticked when expanding "Notifications" under a specific feed.

  • "Create Alert" On Hit is not ticked under the Watchlists page.

  • A Cb Response server issue unrelated to the two "On Hit" causes mentioned above.


  1. Confirm according to the two causes listed above, depending if it is a watchlist or feed issue, that "Create Alert" is checked under On Hit in either scenario.
  2. Upload Cb Diags (i.e., Server Logs) for review.

  3. Provide a copy of the email alert received.  This will help Support determine if the issue is feed- or watchlist-related.

    • a. If feed-related please provide the results of the query below via terminal on the Cb Response server:

psql -d cb -p 5002 -c "select id,name,enabled,feed_url,update_timestamp from alliance_feeds where enabled='t' and delete_timestamp is null;"

   4. Output results of the process doc as text: How to output a process document as text file for troubleshooting

   5. If pertaining to the Cb Reputation Trust Feed, the Cb Reputation Threat Feed, or the deprecated VirusTotal Feed please provide a copy of the binary document from the Cb Response server:

curl http://localhost:8080/solr/cbmodules/select?q=md5%3A{MD5HashHere}&wt=json&indent=true" > /tmp/binarydoc.out && /usr/share/cb/cbpost /tmp/binarydoc.out

   6. Submit a case to Support.

   7. Attach the screenshot of the email alert to the case along with the process doc and the binary doc.

Additional Notes

  • The MD5 hash for the binary CURL command can be found on the email alert.

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