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Cb Response: How to split a large file to upload

Cb Response: How to split a large file to upload


  • Cb Response: All versions
  • Linux OS


To upload a large file (several GB in size) from a Linux environment to Support for troubleshooting.


  1. Collect the md5sum of the original file and send to Support.
    md5sum large.file
  2. Split the file into smaller sized chunks. In the example below, we split large.file into several 1G sized files named file_split<filenum> - file_split00, file_split01, etc. All of these files would be stored in your current directory. Files can be split into smaller sizes by substituting the G multiplier with the preferred size, such as MB or M.

    split -b 1G -d large.file file_split
  3. If sending this to support, collect the md5sum of each split and send to Support.
    md5sum file_split* 
  4. If this is for a Cb Response server, you can upload the files directly to our Carbon Black Alliance server by running the following:
    /usr/share/cb/cbpost file_split*
  5. If this is for a different Linux endpoint,  you can upload each piece to Cb Vault -

    For larger files, CB Vault may fail to upload the file successfully. There is no indication that the file upload has failed, but the on-screen message will still say it was successful.

  6. Once the files have uploaded, update your Support case with the MD5s of the original file and the split files.

Additional Notes

Once received, Support will verify the uploaded files match the md5sums provided. They will then merge the files by running the following command.

cat file_split* > file.txt

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