IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 6, 2024, Carbon Black User eXchange (UeX) and Case Management will move to a new platform!
The Community will be in read-only mode starting April 19th, 7:00 AM PDT. Check out the blog post!
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How to create a new User and generate an API Token for Carbon Black and Bit9 Server Integration

How to create a new User and generate an API Token for Carbon Black and Bit9 Server Integration


Carbon Black 4.2.x and Bit9 7.2.x


How to create a new User and generate an API Token for Carbon Black and Bit9 Server Integration


The token you need to use for server integration is a Carbon Black API Token.

  1. Login to the Carbon Black Console
  2. Navigate to Administration > Users
  3. Click on 'Add User'
  4. Fill out the fields as required, (it might be useful to name the account Bit9-Integration so other users will know what it is)
    1. Make sure the option for 'global administrator' is enabled
    2. Click on 'Save Changes'
  5. Log out of the Carbon Black Console
  6. Login with the account you just created.
  7. Click on the username in the top right hand corner and then click on 'Profile Info'
  8. Click on 'API Token' on the left hand side of the page to view the token you need.
    1. You can also change the API token by clicking the 'Reset API Token' on this page

Important Note(s):

For information on how to activate the server integration, please review the section on "Activating Carbon Black Server Integration' in Chapter 23 of Using Bit9 Security Platform Guide-V7.2.0 (available in the customer portal -

For the Bit9 <-> Cb integration, please note the following:

  1. The token you use in the BIt9 console is the Carbon Black USER's token. You obtain this from the Cb User's profile. From the Cb UI, in the top right select the user you logged in as, and view the profile.The Cb user which you retrieved the auth token from in #1 above, this User must be a Global Administrator.
  2. From the Cb UI, edit this user and check the box to ensure they are a "Global Administrator".
  3. The settings from the Cb UI are updated automatically - you do not edit these fields. Update only the Bit9 console, test the connection, and the settings will propagate to the Cb UI settings page.

The Auth token for Cb is the Cb USER, whereas Bit9 automatically generates a 'token'. The Bit9 token is transparent and you do not need to use it or even be aware of it. The only token we use is the Carbon Black User's API token.

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