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How to restore full and differential database backup using SQL Server Management Studio

How to restore full and differential database backup using SQL Server Management Studio


6.0.x & 7.x


How to restore full and differential database backup using SQL Server Management Studio if the existing DAS database is corrupted or contents are no longer reliable.


  1. Make sure that the partition where the DAS database will be store has plenty of disk space. The size of the backup usually reflects the size of the database if not compressed.
  2. Uninstall Parity Server. Your Bit9 agents will continue to protect your machines but the Bit9 console will be unavailable.
  3. Open SQL Server Management Studio and login using an account with sysadmin rights.
  4. On the Object Explorer, expand Databases and right-click on the existing DAS (if it's still listed) and select Delete. Check the box to drop all existing connections and click OK.
  5. Right-click on Databases and select Restore Database
  6. On the "To database:" field, type DAS
  7. Select "From device:" and click Browse. Locate the full_backup.bak
  8. Check the box under the Restore column
  9. Go to the Options page > select the Recovery State for "...(RESTORE WITH NORECOVERY)" > click OK
  10. Repeat steps 5 - 8 but select diff_backup.bak for the differential backup for step 6
  11. Go to the Options page > select the Recovery State for "...(RESTORE WITH RECOVERY)" > click OK
  12. Re-install the Parity Server using the full installer. The version should either be the same version as the restored database or higher. When prompted for the location of the database, provide the information of the SQL instance where the backups were restored to.
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