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OSX Sleep Wake Failure after upgrade

OSX Sleep Wake Failure after upgrade


7.2.3 Patch 5


After upgrading from 7.2.3 patch 3 or patch 4, users are still experiencing sleep wake failures


Sleep wake failures still occurring after installing the fixed patch.


In some cases the sleepimage can become corrupt after a sleep wake failure. The sleep image holds the memory that the OS X machine had during the moment it went to sleep. If this becomes corrupted after a sleep wake failure, it can continue to cause them. Patch 5 has corrected a sleep wake issue, but users still experiencing the issue should try the below steps to get relief. Removal of the sleepimage will not cause any issues as it will be rebuilt upon the next sleep cycle.


sudo rm /var/vm/sleepimage


If after cleaning the sleepimage, you are still encountering sleep wake issues, as a workaround, disable standby mode with the following command:

sudo pmset -a standby 0 autopoweroff 0

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