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What can I delete if my Bit9 server is low on disk space?

What can I delete if my Bit9 server is low on disk space?


6.0.2.x and 7.x


If the Bit9 Server is running out of disk space, there are 3 folders from which you can safely move or delete data from.


Question 1

Are there files that can be safely deleted from the %ProgramFiles%\Bit9\Parity Server\Archivelogs folder to make room on the Bit9 server?


Yes, files can safely be deleted from the Archive folder. This solution goes over how to change the retention rate of the Archive folder to keep less data and also explains how to move the location of the Archive folder to another drive that might have more disk space available.

Question 2

Are there files that can be safely deleted from the %ProgramFiles%\Bit9\Parity Server\Support folder to make room on the Bit9 server?


Yes, files can safely be deleted from the Support folder too. These are the previously uploaded diagnostic logs. If they are no longer needed for troubleshooting purposes, then can be moved or deleted. You can delete the content of %ProgramFiles%\Bit9\Parity Server\Support\hosts but do not delete the "hosts" folder itself. The Support folder is only available on version 7. If you're on version 6, uploaded diagnostics are in %ProgramFiles%\Bit9\Parity Console\WebUI\uploads\diagnostics.

Question 3

Are there files that can be safely deleted from the %ProgramFiles%\Bit9\Integrations\FireEye\listener\Store, %ProgramFiles%\Bit9\Integrations\PAN\listener\Store, or %ProgramFiles%\Bit9\Integrations\CheckPoint\listener\Store folder to make room on the Bit9 server?


Yes, files can safely be deleted from the Store folder. Inside the Store folder are the .xml files that deal with the Network Connector piece of Bit9 that communicates with FireEye or Palo Alto Networks or CheckPoint devices. Old .xml files can be removed to create more disk space on a drive that is reaching capacity. These folders are only available on version 7.

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