IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 6, 2024, Carbon Black User eXchange (UeX) and Case Management will move to a new platform!
The Community will be in read-only mode starting April 19th, 7:00 AM PDT. Check out the blog post!
You will still be able to use the case portal to create and interact with your support cases until the transition, view more information here!

App Control: How To Reset CPE and CVE Data

App Control: How To Reset CPE and CVE Data


  • App Control Server: 8.10.2 and higher
  • Microsoft SQL Server: All Supported Versions


How to fully reset all tables containing CPE and CVE data.


  1. Run SQL Server Management Studio as the Carbon Black Service Account and connect to the das database.
  2. Click New Query and execute the following:
    USE das
    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.cpe_applications;
    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.cpe_application_antibody_map;
    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.cpe_dictionary_items;
    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.cpe_dictionary_items_helper;
    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.cpe_unmatched_applications;
    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.cpe_cve_lookup_table;
    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.cpe_cve_id_lookup_table;
    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.cve_dictionary_items;
    TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.cve_dictionary_items_helper;
    UPDATE dbo.shepherd_configs SET value = scd.value
    FROM dbo.shepherd_configs sc
    INNER JOIN dbo.shepherd_configs_defaults scd ON =
    ('CPEApplicationGenerationConnectionTimeout', 'CPEApplicationGenerationConnectionTimeout2', 'CPEDBCommandConnectionTimeout', 'CPEDelayBetweenRequests', 
    'CPEDictionaryURL', 'CPEEnabled', 'CPEFirstSync', 'CPELastApplicationGeneration', 'CPELastApplicationPrune', 'CPELastMatching', 'CPELastQueryDate', 
    'CPELastQueryIndex', 'CPELastQueryStatus', 'CPELastUnsuccessfulQuery', 'CPETotalResults', 'CVEFirstSync', 'CVELastQueryDate', 'CVELastQueryIndex', 
    'CVELastQueryStatus', 'CVELastUnsuccessfulQuery', 'CVETotalResults')
  3. Return to the Console > Assets > Applications > CPE Applications and CVE Instances.
  4. Verify the data is removed before configuring the feature again.

Additional Notes

  • The library from NIST will need to be downloaded again after completing this, which will take time.
  • The App Control Server will need to complete matching between the CPE data and the file catalog, this will take time.

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