IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: On May 6, 2024, Carbon Black User eXchange (UeX) and Case Management will move to a new platform!
The Community will be in read-only mode starting April 19th, 7:00 AM PDT. Check out the blog post!
You will still be able to use the case portal to create and interact with your support cases until the transition, view more information here!

CBC API: What are the Sensor State values?

CBC API: What are the Sensor State values?


  • Carbon Black Cloud API


  • What are the Sensor State values?


Sensor State value returnedMeaning
PANICS_DETECTEDSensor is not functioning due to panics registered on the Sensor
LOOP_DETECTEDSensor recognizes it is stuck in a processing loop and not able to function normally
DB_CORRUPTION_DETECTEDSensor sees the local hash database is corrupted and not able to check hashes for reputation
SENSOR_UNREGISTEREDSensor was installed in offline mode so it has not registered on the backend yet
WATCHDOGnot implemented
SENSOR_RESET_IN_PROGRESSSensor is refreshing Policy Rules and local information, will restart the Services so for that brief moment the Sensor is not functioning normally
SENSOR_SHUTDOWNSensor is shutting down due to powering off of Device, will try to send message to backend for this happening
SENSOR_MAINTENANCEBackend sends this during maintenance, Sensor limits traffic to look-ups of Reputation and status checks
DEBUG_MODE_ENABLED Sensor was installed with parameter to enable different logging options
AUTO_UPDATE_DISABLEDSensor was installed with parameter to disable automatic Sensor Versions updates
SELF_PROTECT_DISABLEDSensor was installed with parameter that effects tamper protection
VDI_MODE_ENABLEDSensor was installed with parameter that flags the Device as VDI
POC_MODE_ENABLEDSensor is in an Org that is in PoC mode that limits number of active Sensors
SECURITY_CENTER_OPTLN_DISABLED Sensor was installed with parameter that disables the Windows Security Center
LIVE_RESPONSE_KILLED Live Response session was terminated
CB_FIREWALL_INACTIVESensor's Firewall is inactive

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