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How to find to the CL Version and Last Connection Date locally on a Cb Protection Agent

How to find to the CL Version and Last Connection Date locally on a Cb Protection Agent


Cb Protection (Formerly known as Bit9) - All


This document describes how to find the last connection date and config list version on a local endpoint with the Cb Protection agent installed.


  1. Open a command prompt and run the following commands (change the path if you're not using the default path):
    1. cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Bit9\Parity Agent
    2. dascli status
  2. The output will contain information regarding the agent, including connection details, policy level, etc. Under 'Server Information' you will find:
    1. Config List - shows the CL version of the agent
    2. Poll Count - shows when the agent last pinged the server for activity (CL update, upgrade, collect diags, etc.).
    3. Register Count - occurs whenever the agent needs to initiate the connection with server or whenever a policy switch occurs.


Important Note(s)

If your agent is not connected to the server, please reference our Basic Communications Check for quick steps to test connectivity issues. If they do not work, please submit a case to Support with the information/files from Cause #5 from that document.

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