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App Control: How to Collect Logs for Troubleshooting a Disconnected Agent (Linux)

App Control: How to Collect Logs for Troubleshooting a Disconnected Agent (Linux)


  • App Control Agent: All Supported Linux Versions
  • Linux Operating System: All Supported Versions


How to collect logs for troubleshooting a disconnected Linux Agent.


  1. On the disconnected endpoint use Terminal to issue the following commands to verify the Agent is running and has a Server listed:
    cd /opt/bit9/bin
    ./b9cli --status
  2. If the Agent is fully running and otherwise healthy: authenticate with the Agent and issue the following commands:
    ./b9cli --password GlobalCLIPassword
    ./b9cli --disconnect
    ./b9cli --debuglevel 4
    ./b9cli --kerneltrace 4
    ./b9cli --nettrace 1
    ./b9cli --connect
    ./b9cli --healthcheck
    ./b9cli --status
  3. In the returned output, locate: Server Information > Server and note the address
    Example: means the Server Address is
  4. Attempt communication between the endpoint and the Server Address returned in theby running the following commands:
    nslookup <SERVERADDRESS>
    Note: If the Telnet utility is unavailable the timeout utility (part of the coreutils package) could be used instead:
    timeout 1 bash -c "</dev/tcp/ServerAddressHere/41002"
    echo $?
    An exit status of 0 indicates the Server Address is responding on the port specified (41002).
  5. Set the Debug Levels back to the defaults and collect the logs:
    ./b9cli --debuglevel 0
    ./b9cli --kerneltrace 2
    ./b9cli --nettrace 0
    sudo ./b9cli --capture /var/tmp/
  6. Collect the System Logs::
    sudo tar cvfz /var/tmp/SystemLogs.tgz /var/log
  7. Upload the logs to the Vault for review.

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